SHADE Sun Photometer Bootloader

This post comes almost out of the blue, but in reality is the culmination of a long time of work. It is the final piece of software that was needed in one of the projects that I have spent the most time working on, the SHADE Sun Photometer. This is a handheld low cost instrument for measuring atmospheric aerosols that is intended to be used in aerosol measurement campaigns and as part of the GLOBE program, allowing kids and students to obtain measurements that are up to par with the data quality requirements that NASA scientists need, without having a huge price tag on it. Although we have been delayed many times, and have faced many difficulties in completing the instrument, it is one step closer to being ready for production. Here is the site that we have for it:


Solar Handheld Aerosol Determination Equipment


I would like to note that our intention in producing this instrument is to enable a global network of aerosol measurements, and collaborate in some way with the task of understanding and fighting climate change. We started this as a school project and have developed this with our spare time and budget, so lots of bugs are still present. Which brings me to the point of this post, a bootloader!

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