GPU Project 09 – Rotations

Sorry for the long delay between posts. Being a hobby project usually this takes low priority when other things are urgent. And actually, there have been many advances lately but I haven’t had the chance to post them. Lets go through these in order.

Although we have a fair point cloud rendering in place it really is not that useful unless we can move and rotate objects. For that purpose we have the object transform block highlighted below in red:

The idea is that we can have a list of object specific parameters in a BRAM that the block will use to alter the vertex stream:

  • number of vertices in the object
  • position
  • rotation

The block will take in vertices from the vertex pump, rotate them around the object’s axis and then add the object’s position as an offset to each vertex. The position part is actually quite simple since we only have to do an addition on each axis. The rotation part, well… no so much.

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GPU Project 08 – Point cloud rendering in FPGA

After successfully running the simulation, its time to see how the rendering works on the real HW. And as always, SW needs to be written to get the HW to know what to do. In this case, I will be loading the vertex data of a cube into memory to see it transformed, and then experiment with the same teapot data that I used in the C# version the app.

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Minecraft Flandre Scarlet

So, this is something I did a long time ago. I’m probably looking at this with nostalgia googles, so bear with me. I had seen lots of people do Touhou characters in Minecraft, but always in 2D!! Though awesome in itself, the whole point of Minecraft is to do things in 3d, so I got to work on voxelizing a 3d model of Flandre Scarlet that I had lying around. After importing the Voxels into Minecraft I then replaced the blocks (one by one, inside the game) with the right colored blocks. Took forever, but definitely worth it. Here it is:

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GPU Project 07 – Simulating the design

In order to see if the design is working before committing to a full build in the FPGA I wanted to simulate it to see if it could render just a few pixels and return sensible pixel locations. There are of course lots of different complicated ways of doing this, some quite elaborated, but I just wanted to functionally verify the design in the shortest amount of time (this is a hobby project after all). So, I opted o use Xilinx BFMs. These are IP cores that can generate different kinds of traffic on AXI buses. Here’s the testbench that I created:

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GPU Project 06 – HLS IPs


Well, due to being very busy at work I hand’t had a chance to actually post progress on the project, but we most definitely have progress! If you have been following these posts, you can see that last time we sketched out the overall architecture of the video card. 

In order to render point clouds we only need the three blocks that are highlighted. Basically, a mechanism for pulling in raw vertexes from memory, a block that can transform the 3d points to a 2d screen space, and a block that can take those points and draw them on a frame buffer. So, here they are!

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GPU Project 05 – Sketching the RTL

So, the time has finally arrived. Time to tackle the GPU in HW! So, a quick disclaimer: since this is a hobby project I will use HLS to quickly iterate designs and reach a functional RTL. All of the blocks will be designed considering that they are meant for RTL and (given enough time) could be replaced by hand coded VHDL/Verilog without too  much hassle. This is the architecture that I am envisioning:

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GPU Project 04 – Simple 3D object parser

So, last week we got a basic projection algorithm in place. We “rendered” the vertices of the cube into a bitmap, but we barely know got it see it working. We definitely need something more complicated to see it operating. One option is to just try to hard code a list of larger vertices that describe a more complex object, but doing that by hand is definitely cumbersome, inexact and prone to errors. Instead, I decided to rely on the vast world wide web and find several 3d objects that I could use. It turns out that there are millions of such objects in many, many websites, but all of these are in different formats. After some hunting, I setted on using a .obj format. These are the reasons:

  • Plain ASCII format: Can’t beat this when it comes to ease of parsing
  • No compression
  • Simple 3d object structure.
  • Vertexes and faces are separate.


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Concept: Holonomic drive wheelchair

I had an idea for a concept wheelchair using a holonomic base and a differential locking gear system that runs only on two motors. I’m not sure if this idea has been explored before but I thought it would be fun to take out my 3Ds Max and whip up a little model of how such a chair would look like.

C2_10_masked Continue reading